
Average score 535 Reviews
Andre LFA noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Super good! (Original) Super bon!

8 months ago
malo allain noted on Google

8 months ago
Quentin Palmaerts noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good, warm welcome and delicious food. All this at a low price. (Original) Très bon, bon accueil et nourriture délicieuse. Tout cela à bas prix.

8 months ago
Zachary Chan noted on Google

9 months ago
FLECHTHEIM Techno aus Berlin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A nice little Chinese restaurant with a pleasant buzz. Unfortunately, the vegetarian dishes were not convincing. It didn't taste bad, it was just a bit bland. The sauces saved the meal. You can choose between steamed and fried. I would recommend the fried ones. (Original) Ein schönes kleines chinesisches Restaurant mit angenehmer Betriebsamkeit. Die vegetarischen Speisen haben leider nicht überzeugt. Es hat nicht schlecht geschmeckt es war nur etwas fade. Die Saucen haben das Essen gerettet. Man hat die Wahl zwischen gedämpft uns gebraten. Ich würde die gebratenen empfehlen.

9 months ago
Pasquale Arciprete noted on Google

9 months ago
Esther Papworth noted on Google

Came upon this place on our way home after a very long day sightseeing, and I honestly wish we'd found it earlier. The beef soup was incredible - the meat was tender and delicious, and the broth had a lovely fresh flavour. The chicken and prawn dumplings were great too, and the staff were lovely. Wish they delivered to Scotland!

9 months ago
Nina R noted on Google

9 months ago
Aimman noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The ravioli were very good (chicken and tofu ravioli). My sister really enjoyed the Pekingese soup. A little less of a fan of the salt and pepper shrimp which I found very salty for my taste. But overall I recommend especially for ravioli. (Original) Les raviolis étaient très bon (raviolis poulet et au tofu). Ma soeur a très apprécié la soupe pékinoise. Un peu moins fan des crevettes sel et poivre que j'ai trouvé très salé à mon goût. Mais globalement je recommande surtout pour les raviolis.

9 months ago
Yann P. noted on Click&Collect

Toujours un régal de manger dans ce restaurant mais un peu déçu par rapport à la portion de nouilles qui a diminué. Plus difficile quand on mange à deux

9 months ago

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